Franc-maçonnerie et cosmopolitisme au siècle des Lumières



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Broussais et le matérialisme. Médecine et philosophie au XIXe siècle

The book is, however, far more than a psychological study of the tuberculous. It is a meticulously conceived work about tuberculosis in France, with intriguing sidelights on the differing experiences of other European countries. Whereas in Spain and Italy, and elsewhere in Southern Europe, the disease was considered contagious and its victims treated as lepers, ideas were more ambiguous in Fran...

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La physiologie des lumières. Empiricisme, modèles et théories

Edward's brother Henry was private chaplain to Aylesbury. In later years, she was frequently in Cheltenham during the season, as were the Jenners, and Edward was in London when she played the lead in a short-run play written by Joanna Baillie, the sister of Matthew, whom Jenner knew well. Also, Charles Moore, the brother of James Carrick Moore of vaccination fame, followed her about devotedly, ...

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La médecine hospitalière française au XVIIIe siècle

The way ahead is shown by the last essay in the book, Karl Figlio's meaty piece of social history, 'How does illness mediate social relations? Workmen's compensation and medico-legal practice, 1890-1940'. The title is spot-on, and highlights the paper's concerns and approaches. Taking the eye malfunction, nystagmus, Figlio shows that late nineteenth-century medical interest in its exact specifi...

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X VIème siècle : “ Souffrances et maladies sur la route des Grandes Découvertes ; de Lisbonne aux

présent, car on ne saurait admettre sans beaucoup de légèreté que les “Cavaliers de l’Apocalypse”, comme les a re p r é s e n t é s DÜ R E R, a p p a rtiennent aux temps révolus on le sait, donc, il existe cinq grandes maladies dites “pestilentielles”. Ce sont la peste, le choléra, la fièvre jaune, le typhus exanthématique et la variole. En dehors d’elles, il y en a et il y en aura toujours bie...

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Biographies Médicales et Scientifiques, XVIIIe Siècle

because he came from a region famous above all for its portrait painters?; and so on, and so on. When he is not busy posing questions, Herrlinger does his best to provide answers. For example, he demonstrates the persistence of classical motifs through the Middle Ages (citing an eleventh-century Byzantine MS in the Laurentian Library, Florence) and into the Rennaissance (e.g. Vidius Vidius); he...

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عنوان ژورنال: Annales historiques de la Révolution française

سال: 1999

ISSN: 0003-4436,1952-403X

DOI: 10.4000/ahrf.939